Say Goodbye to Acne Scars Naturally!

Acne is virtually one of the most loathsome skin conditions that anyone could ever have. It’s so annoying that not only does it give you ugly red bumps that can contain some pustules, they also leave dark unsightly marks. Acne scars are also such a problem because it takes a longer time for them to fade. However, there are natural methods that will be able to help you get rid of these scars.
Resist the urge to pop
There are a lot of natural methods that one can use in order to get rid of acne scars. However, prevention is always the key. Popping zits is a big NO-NO. Resist the urge to pop. Acne appears and disappears naturally. It will cause stress and more damage on your skin if you pop it. You wouldn’t want to turn a Mt.Vesuvius into a Mt.Everest. Trust me. It will get worse if you do that. But, if you really can’t help it, make sure that your hands are very clean. Ensure that the affected area is clean as well, and try not to put make up on it. Oh, and whatever you do, try not to touch your face. The oil on you hands may transfer on the area and it may get infected.
Eating healthy foods give your body the nutrients that it needs to restore your skin to its natural state. Drinking lots of water can keep your skin well hydrated. You can also load up on lemon juice. Drink just a few glasses of this juice everyday because it contains properties that will help shed dead skin cells.
Be patient and allow your scars to HEAL. Picking out the scabs, will make it worse. Your body has its own process of healing and therefore, you need to let it do its job. It will just come off naturally.

These remedies can help you get rid of those annoying scars. However, if your face has a lot of scars that are deep, it is recommended that you seek a doctor so that proper treatment must be applied.
1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has amazing properties that keeps your skin healthy and it also reduces scars! Try looking for Aloe Vera gel or juice. There are a dozen of brands that you can pick out. Try searching the internet for reviews on these products so that you will know which products are best for you. Don’t forget to read the instructions once you are able to get one.
2. Tomato
Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and it has antioxidant properties that helps eliminate scars. Take a slice of tomato and apply it all over your face. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and rinse it off.
3. Olive Oil
Olive oil is definitely such a versatile product that it can be used to help eliminate acne scars! It has conditioning properties that help reduce your scars and it also moisturizes your skin. Put a small amount of oil on your hands and apply them on affected areas everyday.
4. Make a face mask using sour cream, yogurt, and oatmeal.
Mix one tablespoonfuls each of sour cream, plain yogurt and oatmeal, along with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply it on your face and leave it on for ten minutes before rinsing it off. These ingredients contain unique substances that not only improves skin tone, it also lightens your scars!
5. Ice Cubes
Believe it or not, a lot of people use ice cubes to minimize their scars. Remember that cold temperatures constrict blood vessels, and warm temperatures dilate blood vessels. Wrap the ice cube inside a piece of cloth, and rub it on affected areas for 10-15 minutes each day. It will constrict the blood vessels and therefore reduces redness.
There are various ways to treat acne, these natural methods are not only organic and inexpensive, they also work as well! Just make sure that you don’t have allergies to any of the products and always never forget to pay your doctor a visit.

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