The Latest Fashion to Wear at Parties

If you want to make an impact on New Year’s Eve or any other major party event this year, you have to sparkle. Tasteful gold jewellery is in, but nothing else too flashy. That’s the word from online fashion gurus, who say gold rings and necklaces, sequins, beads, rhinestones, metallics and other touches of bling are the must-have accessory for your party outfit.
The website eHow (How to Do Just About Everything) suggests in its How To Dress For New Year’s Eve guidelines slipping into a “silver or pink sequinned silk dress with platform stilettos for a sleek sexy look” or “a strapless black tube dress with glittering beaded trim”.

Over at Edressme, they are similarly promoting “glittery sequin tops” as the answer to your can’t-find-anything-to wear-to-the-party blues. 
The American newspaper USA Today likes sequins as well, but their guest fashion consultant offers this sage advice: “Just don’t overdo it. Wear minimal jewellery, make-up and hair. You don’t want to look like a Vegas showgirl.” It’s advice that some young women looking into their wardrobes this morning for something to wear to the Boxing Day races should also take heed of.

But back to that big party next weekend, and another hot garment is the one shoulder dress. It’s a no-fuss look: neck pieces will only detract from the asymmetrical line, so there’s no need to worry about them, and you can safely get away without earrings as well. Just let the dress do the talking. When it comes to footwear, Vogue says nothing but a bone-crushing strappy stiletto will do for the big end-of year shindig.
Forget the pain and think about the fashion gain.

“Leave your thongs at the beach when the sun sets on 2011 and step up in style to parties in 2012,” it says. “Our resolution is to stand out in rich reds, shocking purple and pinks hot enough to toast marshmallows, with some matching jewellery” If all this sounds a bit intimidating, then take some advice from Hubpages, which advises on its page about New Year’s Eve dressing not to be burdened by the task of choosing an outfit. “Wear an outfit that is comfortable and light. If we feel great about ourselves, we look great. Confidence is the key.” And with that, enjoy the party season all year.

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