How to Chill Fruit Salad


How to Chill Fruit SaladFruit salad is a colorful, tasty and nutritious snack or dessert that's both sweet and healthy. Fruit salads are generally served in the summer months because of the higher availability of fresh produce. In addition, summer fruits, such as melons, grapes and berries, tend to keep better in salads than fall and winter fruits, like apples, pears and bananas. Regardless of when you make your salad or what fruits you use, it is important to properly chill fruit salad to keep it fresh and free from bacteria.

Step 1

Squeeze lemon juice onto the fruit before chilling if you are including fruits that tend to brown, such as apples and pears. The acidic lemon juice will help prevent the fruit from turning colors.

Step 2

Place the fruit salad in an airtight container to chill. Airtight containers will help the fruit remain fresh for a longer period of time.

Step 3

Put the container of fruit salad in a refrigerator that is kept at 40 degrees Farhrenheit or below. The cool temperature will keep the fruit fresh and safe from bacteria. Chill for 1 hour before serving.

Step 4

Place the container in a dry area of your refrigerator. Moisture can cause bacteria to grow and spread.

Step 5

Remove the fruit salad from the refrigerator and serve immediately. Place the fruit either in a large bowl or in single-serving bowls.

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