Exercise is the key to living younger longer.
Of course they are! Women and men over 40 are seeing distinct signs of aging and they do not like that they are beginning to resemble their elder relatives. The obvious signs of facial aging include droopy eyebrows, nasal labial folds, a softening jaw line and a sagging neck.
The Superdrug survey revealed that a fifth of the women between 40 and 60 would happily get a face lift if they had the money and almost one third of those polled said they’d rather look 20 years younger than be a millionaire.
This is not surprising news.
The good news is that anyone who wants to look younger, live longer and savor their good health knows that surgery should be avoided always because of the detrimental risks involved.
If you choose surgery and injections there are a myriad of contraindications that must be considered; yes, it’s important to carefully select a board certified medical doctor who is trained in these modalities and thoroughly checking references that include patient satisfaction along with determining if there have been previous medical lawsuits is a must. Intuitively, you must ask yourself if you are healthy enough to survive invasive procedures.
Just because you’re turning 40, 50, or even 60 doesn’t mean you have to look it and aging doesn’t mean you have to put yourself in harm’s way to achieve a younger looking face.
There is a way to attain a youthful, toned and tightened face without resorting to costly methods that use unproven plumping and paralyzing drugs, cutting or sutures or painful procedures. Facial exercise will help you de-age your face so it looks years younger.
Facial exercise that is performed while wearing white exercise gloves will systematically and deliberately strengthen the small, hidden, underlying muscles that support our skin. Learning an exercise program takes hardly any time at all and once you know the movements, the technology is yours forever.
The best part about using facial exercise to curtail aging in your face is that everyone will always recognize you because your features will not have been distorted or altered in such a way that makes you look strange. Another great benefit is that risk is totally eliminated – no risk of infection, no risk of not liking your results, no risk of complications, no discoloration or loss of sensation, no angry scars to hide, no risk of brain damage, paralysis or death.
Will facial exercise really make you look younger? The answer is a resounding yes!
Over and over again we have seen the benefit of exercise. Jackie Silver, author of Aging Backwards: Secrets to Staying Young believes that exercise is the fountain of youth. Many leading authorities agree. According to Ms. Silver, facial exercise is vitally important to maintain your youthfulness and if you start at age 25 -30 you most likely will appear younger than your peers who have not used exercise for the face.
No matter what your age you can still get amazing results using facial exercise. Will you look like you did when you were 20? Probably not, but if you start now your face will respond by lifting, toning and tightening and it’s possible to appear five, ten, even fifteen years younger in just weeks.
The Superdrug poll determined that an eye lift was the most popular choice of aging women.
You can lift droopy eyelids and eye brows using facial exercise. Eyebrows drop with age causing compression around the eyes that result in crow’s feet. When you strengthen the forehead muscle with exercise you will see the eye brows lift immediately. In just a few weeks of training, you will notice that your eyes appear more open, the appearance of crow’s feet is dramatically reduced and your eye brows are more youthfully positioned.
The secret to achieving great results using facial exercise starts with white exercise gloves. Learning to master your facial muscles using specialized anchoring techniques rather than puckers, twists or contortions of the features will contour and reshape your face. The thumbs and fingers in exercise gloves assure that the end of the muscle or muscle group is securely anchored before creating the contraction.
Proactively using anchoring and isometric contraction plumps up the muscles and because the facial skin is attached directly to the muscles you will immediately see and feel the lifting and tightening as you effortlessly exercise eyes, cheeks, jowls, pouches, forehead, neck and more. The action of contraction with resistance forces oxygenated blood to the skin, improving the health and elasticity of the skin.
Preserving your youth with exercise will help your confidence soar as you live younger longer.
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