There are actually a few very good reasons to install solar lights along the edges of your driveway. First, they bring your landscaping to life at night and they are nice accent pieces during the day. Second, they help guide people into your driveway in the dark. Surely you have pulled into a foreign driveway before whether you were visiting or just turning around and found yourself struggling to see, especially in the rain. Of course, you can pull into your driveway blindfolded but lights will help others find their way and keep them off your grass.
Another reason for solar lights is they deter theft and vandalism. Whether you’re home or not, people will ill intentions are less likely to target a property that is well lit up. So, how do you decide which ones to buy?
Picking the Right One
Buying the value pack of six in a box is not always a good idea. After all, you want them to last. Choose those that compliment your home and your landscaping. They don’t have to be extravagant but they shouldn’t take away from your home either.
Whatever you do, don’t make the mistake of eye-balling it when you install your solar lights. Take the time to measure the driveway, divide by how many lights you have and then space them appropriately, measuring every time. You’ll be much more pleased with the outcome this way!
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