Caring for a Birdbath

The weekend has arrived and it’s spring which means it’s time to get out in your yard, breathe in some fresh air, soak up the sun and clean away the mess winter has graciously left behind. This is also the time to think about shopping for a birdbath because once April showers are gone, your feathered friends won’t have so many puddles to bathe in. Not to mention, birds of any type compliment and bring your outdoor space to life!
Birdbaths come in a vast array of styles and can be a dynamic addition to your outdoor decor. However, when not cared for properly, they look unappealing and can harm the birds. A little basic maintenance will go a long way!
  • Scrub Scrub Scrub – At least once a week you should empty the water and give the birdbath a good scrubbing to get rid of algae and left behind residue. Of course, you need to add fresh water daily but you only really need to scrub it weekly. Old water is a breeding ground for bacteria and mosquitoes and it can make the birds sick.
  • Lavender – Did you know that if you place a few fresh lavender stalks in the water it prevents unwanted bacteria buildup and won’t harm the birds? Lavender has natural antibacterial properties!
When deciding where to place your birdbath, it should be near a low tree branch, overhang of something high enough where predators can’t get to it yet low enough to require little effort to fly there. Birds are not the fastest and most efficient fliers when their feathers are soaked so if their bath is disturbed, they need a place nearby to escape to safety.

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