Tips for Summer Season

Summer season begins, it’s time to get ready for the scorching sun and heat. We should take some precaution in this season. Here are few tips to protect yourself from the scorching summer.
  • Drink lot of water, to avoid dehydration during summer. Drinking water in regular interval is advisable. bigstockphoto_thirsty_girl_2603456-2
  • If walk a lot or if you are involve in other sports activities use suitable shoes and cotton socks.
  • Wear a hat to be cool and shade. Also use good sunscreen to prevent sunburn.
  • You should wear free size and light color clothes to help you stay cooler.
  • Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from sun rays.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Eat fruits that contain lot of water such as water melon, orange, grapes, cucumber etc.
  • Don’t push yourself beyond your limits, balance activities with rest. Also maintain energy level by limiting your intake of fat and sugar.
  • Avoid spicy and oily food.
  • Always wash your face properly whenever you come from outside. Sleep after washing your face.
  • Taking bath twice a day is advisable.

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