The Best Body Moisturizer Contains Manuka Honey and Grape Seed Oil

It is a given fact that you only want to use the best body moisturizer on your skin, but do you know what has to be included in your formula in order for it to be truly effective? Before you buy another new product you should ask yourself the question, how do moisturizers effect the skin. I will try and offer you a little insight here as to the answer to this query.
The first thing that you should know before shopping for the best body moisturizer is that the majority of the formulas available don’t contain ingredients that offer your skin what it needs to be healthy. Most of the cosmetics companies use synthetics and petroleum compounds to develop their formulas, instead of the plant based ingredients that you need.grape-varieties-imgfondchardonnay
How do moisturizers effect the skin when they are filled with petroleum compounds and synthetics? The fact is that neither synthetics nor petroleum compounds will provide your skin with the vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that it needs. They also don’t give you the antioxidants necessary for repairing the oxidative damage that causes many of the lines and wrinkles to form on your skin.
The best body moisturizer for your skin will not include the use of petroleum compounds for reasons other than a lack of components beneficial to skin health. The fact is that mineral oil, paraffin wax, and petrolatum are ineffective as moisturizers. Long term use of formulas that feature these compounds as active ingredients may actually lead your skin to become drier than it already was.
How do moisturizers effect the skin when they are derivatives of a byproduct of the crude oil process? These substances are actually too dense for your skin to effectively absorb them, so what they will end up doing is form a thin layer on the surface of the skin. This film that they produce attracts dirt and grime like a magnet, and this filth gets trapped down in your pores.
Petroleum based moisturizers clog your pores, cause blackheads and acne, and interfere with the execution of the natural exfoliation process. Their presence also send a signal to the skin that an adequate amount of moisture is present, and that production of your own oil should be slowed down. These compounds are exactly the opposite of what you would expect in body moisturizer
How do moisturizers effect the skin when they are derived from plants?
Plant based ingredients such as active Manuka honey, Jojoba, grape seed oil, and the olive oil extract Olivem 800 provide the skin with all of the essentials that I mentioned earlier. They also possess properties much like your own oil, which allows them to penetrate deeply, moisturize effectively, and heal any skin conditions you might be suffering.
A product that a company wants you to consider as the best body moisturizer around has got to contain powerful, effective ingredients like this in order to keep your skin looking and feeling as good as it can.

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