How to Remove Water From the Body

Detoxification is a process for cleaning the inner body that should be made at least once a year. A disturbing problem that often occurs is water retention. At the end of holidays we all have the problem of extra weight, because of the food that was consumed without limits; but the truth is that impact was not only on our waistline but also on health in general.
There are many diets that involve moderation in eating and consumption of a certain type of food or certain ingredients. But there is also a regime of healthy life that involves sports, natural food and limiting (not exclusion) the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, coffee and sweets.
Detoxification is a process that should be made at least once a year, to have healthy  bodies and not turn into a massive storehouse of toxins. But overweight may be caused not only by excess consumption of food or disorganized food schedule, but also by medical problems such as hyperthyroidism and water retention. Water retention occurs in both, women and men. Water retention is manifested by limb swelling, bloating, pain in legs, feeling of heaviness in the body, apathy. From this illness there are medical drugs and natural diuretics.
Although it is a problem disturbing, the excess water elimination must be done in moderation, to prevent dehydration and the appearance of other diseases by weakening the immune system.
To get rid of water retention there is an herbal alternative.
  1. To drink water first. Although it seems a lot to drink 2 liters of water per day, it pretty-blonde1 helps fluid flow circulation in the body and pressure vessels that carry blood.
  2. Do not eat salt. Although salt is the spice for any food, it helps retain water.
  3. Drink tea! Especially dandelion teas have a diuretic effect. So if you drink 2-3 cups a day you’ll feel much better.
  4. Consume vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C and A helps to strengthen capillaries and promotes circulation.
  5. Bananas are rich in potassium, and give you extra energy.
  6. Cabbage-known ingredient for diets, cabbage effect reputation is due to its natural diuretic function.
  7. Raisins as bananas they are rich in potassium and are great for a snack.
  8. Yogurt, if you have intestinal problems with your bowel it is recommended to take yogurt, which also helps with water retention, combating the two annoying problems.
  9. Ice. After a hard day, place ice cubes on the base of your foot to facilitate deflation of the limb and also rub them with a cream containing mint for a cool sensation or lavender for a calming effect.

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