How to Eat, Move, & Be Healthy

How to Eat, Move, & Be Healthy


You can find many diet plans and workout routines for sale by book, video, home delivery meals or weekly weigh in meetings. While most of these programs have the potential to be successful when followed accurately, they are not always required to reach and maintain a healthy weight. Long before the obesity epidemic, people were eating, moving and taking care of their health by following their intuition, paying attention to their bodies and using common sense.

Step 1

Eat natural foods until you are satisfied. Natural foods include foods that are grown and come from the earth or animals. Cookies and candies consumed once in a while will not harm your health, but eat these foods sparingly. The bulk of your diet should be whole-grain breads and oats, organically grown fruits and vegetables, lean meats and healthy fats such as those found in fatty fish, seeds and nuts. Eat until you feel satisfied but not stuffed. According to registered dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, if given the opportunity, your body can regulate its intake based on your caloric needs, an eating strategy called intuitive eating. You have to listen to your hunger cues and respect the messages your body gives about being hungry and full.

Step 2

Do a minimum of 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. Before the technology revolution that placed millions of Americans behind a desk or on a couch watching television, people actually had to perform manual labor on a daily basis. This helped to balance the number of calories consumed with those burned. In recent decades, we have become increasingly sedentary and increasingly overweight. You do not have to schedule activity if you don't want to. Instead, dance around the house while you do your daily chores, park a few blocks from your job or take the dog on a long walk. All physical activities count toward your weekly quota and can benefit your health and well-being.

Step 3

Take charge of your health care. Get regular checkups at your doctor's office, maintain good oral hygiene and take care of your mental and emotional health. Health is about the total picture of your lifestyle, not one hot diet supplement or workout fad. No one cares about your well-being as much as you do, so be proactive in caring for all aspects of your health.

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