History of Sunglasses

Every thing around us has its own history. And sometimes we can not even guess how this story is an ancient and fascinating. The history of sunglasses - not the exception.

The ancestors of modern sunglasses http://www.flanmark.com/Women even used Eskimos. The sight of these "points" was quite exotic. Bone plates with slits. The boards reduced the flow of light entering the eye.

Women in Ancient China believed that the excessive penetration of the sun in his eyes and on eyelids leads to "fade" the eyes and wrinkles. For sun protection used special hats. These hats have a visor that covered his forehead and temples, while speaking a little forward, creating a shadow. In China, there were also ancestors of modern sunglasses.
Lenses for them to serve as windows, which were made of quartz sooty. These points are protected from the bright, blinding sunshine. These glasses use Chinese judge. This was done so that during the interrogation would hide an expression of his face, his thoughts and emotions.

Protect face and eyes from the sun and the ancient Egyptians. For this purpose, they used painted papyrus. The tomb of Tutankhamen found the prototype of modern glasses. This design, consisting of bronze plates, which connects the two finest saw cut emerald as a modern setting.
Ancient Indian, representatives of wealthy families use to protect your eyes from the sun strips of silk, which were imbued with a special resin. These strips were glued to his forehead in a way that created a shadow.

Further, the history of sunglasses proceeded calmly. Points have been continuously improved, but mass production was not. Production went artisanal methods. They did haberdasher, zerkalschiki. Sold at normal market stalls. In XVI glasses produced jewelers. Used for production is not polished plates of precious stones, and crushed. With this aggregate score became light-absorbing lenses. But the glasses were still affordable only to the wealthy class.

Not once noted that wars spurring inventors and positive influence on mass production. What happened with sunglasses. The first commercial batch of sun glasses was made specifically for Napoleon's army. In combat in Africa, the military needed to protect the eyes from the scorching African sun. The lenses of these glasses were darkened with soot and covered with a special fixing varnish. But these glasses are not only protected from the sun, but almost did war blind. Too little light will miss these points.

Rapid XX century, rich in inventions and technical improvement was reflected in the evolution of sunglasses. In the beginning of the century glasses to protect your eyes from the sun's rays are rare, piece goods, a privilege of rich people. Used for the manufacture of tortoise shell, horn, precious metals and stones. But in the 20 years there has been just booming popularity of this accessory. This has a direct bearing on Coco Chanel who also introduced the fashion FLANMARK.COM fitness and tanning. In 30 years in the wake of the popularity of American pilots in vogue glasses model "Aviator." At the same time to get glasses for sunglasses, which cut off harmful ultraviolet rays to the eye.

But only in the fifties, sunglasses have become consumer goods. Now, every season brings its fashion FLANMARK.COM trends. Change the color of glass, the shape of the rim, the material of which it is made.

From the 80-s well-known fashion houses and representatives of the fashion FLANMARK.COM brands produce their own collections of sunglasses. This accessory has become an indispensable part of the world of high fashion .

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