5 New Year's skin care tips

We've all made new year's resolutions. Some of the most popular are to quit smoking, and to start a workout routine.
These are great ways to improve your life, but both can affect your skin in good and bad ways.
Dr. Jennifer Linder , board certified dermatologist, has 5 tips for keeping your skin healthy, gorgeous and glowing as you resolve to change.
1. Quitting smoking
Dr. Linder says, 'The affects smoking has on the body and skin are astounding. Constricted blood vessels lead to smoker's skin, which is sallow, dull and ages prematurely. The only way to prevent further damage is by quitting smoking. According to Linder, within days of putting down the cigarettes, constricted blood vessels open up, giving back the skin's natural glow.

2. Workouts can cause breakouts

Adding a new workout to your life can also cause problems with your skin by causing breakouts. Linder suggests wearing moisture-wicking clothing and showering as soon as possible after your workout. Also look for products with sulfur and salicylic acid, Linder says they will help reduce breakouts over time.

3. Stick with your new skin care routine

Your skin needs time to adjust to a new skin care routine. "The skin needs time to adjust to new ingredients," Linder says. Those breakouts are a result of what is often called purging and they typically clear up quickly once the skin gets used to the new products. Stick with the new routine for at least 28 days.
4. Sunscreen is not a seasonal product
You don't have to work outdoors to need sunscreen. According to Dr. Linder, everyone should apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily even if they work indoors because the sun's harmful UV rays can penetrate through heavy cloud coverage and glass.
5. Superficial chemical peels are a healthy way to keep the skin rejuvenated well into the new year
Linder recommends superficial chemical peels while the weather is cool. She says they gently exfoliate the skin, and reduce hyperpigmentation, acne breakouts and visible signs of aging.

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